Tag Archives: neuro atypical characters

Feeling Human, Special Offer! – What is Experimental Fiction?

Author, Jacqui Murray, is welcoming my Guest Post on Experimental Fiction, and in appreciation, I’m offering a 99 cent Kindle deal on Feeling Human, A Reality with a Twist book, starting today! I think it’s especially fun to start the deal on a 23/23 day. Get your copy of this unique yet relatable novel HERE.

You can read about Experimental Fiction and get tips for writing an Experimental novel, starting below. And while you’re over at Jacqui’s blog, take a look around. She has a great new release that I’ll be posting about later this week too…


I’m honored to be here to share with you today. As I told our host, Jacqui Murray, I’m not an expert on Experimental fiction. I’m not certain anyone is, since it’s always changing. But I’m happy to illuminate some of the features of this unusual classification. I believe I’ve written an Experimental novel, and Jacqui asked if I might give you some tips on writing one. So, I’ll also share my writing process with you.

What is Experimental Fiction?

This genre is hard to define since its basic definition is it’s fictional writing that’s falls outside of current conventions and standard genres. But let’s consider some characteristics and examples to get a sense of what Experimental fiction is all about.

One feature often associated with Experimental fiction is, ‘form is as important or more important than content, and/or it has an unusual form.’ READ MORE…